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Θέμα: Heating costs & calculations

  1. #1
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής
    Feb 2012
    athens, , Greece.

    Heating costs & calculations

    Ηλεκτρονικό κατάστημα ειδών θέρμανσης και κλιματισμού

    [font=Century Gothic][/ΗHello
    i amnot sure I should be addressing the forum in English...it is my first time...so please accept my apologies!

    My question: Can the time units be different for each appartment? i.e. canit be 1unit/5minutes for one and for another 1unit/10minutes etc.
    Shouldn't they all be the same since these time units indicate the time our thermostats are open/ that is the time during which we profit of the hot water or heating?
    αλλεςμοναδες πεφτουν κάθε 5 λεπτα και άλλες κάθε 10, για περίπου όμοια διαμερίσματα, είναι ομαλό;

    please explain...

  2. #2
    Εξέχον μέλος
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής
    Oct 2010
    Athens, , Greece.
    I suspect we are talking about time based metered heating.
    If this is the case, the time meters run constantly adding up time, as long as the thermostat is signaling for heat.

    There are small denominations on the meter, that can be seen changing.
    Usually 100 denominations add up to an hour of usage.
    This means one unit every 36 seconds.
    Usually only complete hours are counted. i.e. 10 hours not 10,35 hours.
    So, unless the meters are faulty, 10 hours of usage are recorded as 10 units.

    The other scenario would be that you are using calorie based meters.
    If that is the case, then units can be different of same apartments.
    Usually such meters are located outside of your apartment.
    A photo can surely help.

    Burn baby, burn

  3. #3
    Εξέχον μέλος
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής
    Dec 2007
    Αθήνα, , Greece.

    I have removed your cross-post, and moved this one in this section where it belongs, so we keep the discussion coherent and in one place, the right one.

    quote:i amnot sure I should be addressing the forum in English...
    Indeed, not encouraged, unless necessary. If you speak Greek, we'd rather switch.


  4. #4
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής
    Feb 2012
    athens, , Greece.
    quote:Originally posted by stom

    I suspect we are talking about time based metered heating.
    If this is the case, the time meters run constantly adding up time, as long as the thermostat is signaling for heat.

    There are small denominations on the meter, that can be seen changing.
    Usually 100 denominations add up to an hour of usage.
    This means one unit every 36 seconds.
    Usually only complete hours are counted. i.e. 10 hours not 10,35 hours.
    So, unless the meters are faulty, 10 hours of usage are recorded as 10 units.

    The other scenario would be that you are using calorie based meters.
    If that is the case, then units can be different of same apartments.
    Usually such meters are located outside of your apartment.
    A photo can surely help.

    Burn baby, burn
    Thank you for your reply.
    the meters are time meters. There are no calories counted for that would involve other sort of things.
    As one opens the heating, irrespective of heating or not, the meters start functioning and units start dropping.
    The point is that although they are supposed to count time units drop at different time intervals for different appartements.
    There is something suspicious. This past month we had to pay 8.5eur/hr of heating for our appartment. The building is using natural gas.Is that a normal price?

    Sorry for the language but my greek writing would drive you mad...

  5. #5
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής
    Feb 2012
    athens, , Greece.
    quote:Originally posted by nyannaco


    I have removed your cross-post, and moved this one in this section where it belongs, so we keep the discussion coherent and in one place, the right one.

    quote:i amnot sure I should be addressing the forum in English...
    Indeed, not encouraged, unless necessary. If you speak Greek, we'd rather switch.
    Thank you for moving it to the right section.
    As for the language I am Greek but my greek orthogragh would drive you mad...
    Thanks again.

  6. #6
    Εξέχον μέλος
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής
    Dec 2007
    quote:Originally posted by elisa604
    As for the language I am Greek but my greek orthogragh would drive you mad...
    Elisa don't worry. These days ... we're all greeks.


  7. #7
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής
    Feb 2012
    athens, , Greece.
    Thanks for trying to encourage me!

    By the way,my problem is with the heating calculations and costs in our building.

    Do you happen to knowif it is normal that meters counting the time of heating move at variable intervals for different appartments?

    Thanks again

  8. #8
    Εξέχον μέλος
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής
    Dec 2007
    Αθήνα, , Greece.
    Well, it doesn't seem normal to me!
    I gather you're not a technical person, so perhaps the best starting point would be taking a couple of pictures of the time unit counters, whatever they are, and posting them so we can start guessing what's going on there...


  9. #9
    Εξέχον μέλος
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής
    Oct 2010
    Athens, , Greece.
    8,5 euros/h for how many total hours for the building and how many for you? And how many flats are there?
    Have you actually seen the meters counting time differently or you deduct this from calculations of your bill?

    For example, in our building 40 hours of heating cost 4,4 euros/h where 906 hours of heating cost 0,9 euros/h. This is perfectly normal.

    Technically a time meter counts time, no matter what.
    Its very difficult to make it run faster or slower on purpose.
    Of course faulty timers do exist sometimes.

    Burn baby, burn

  10. #10
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής
    Feb 2012
    athens, , Greece.

    Ηλεκτρονικό κατάστημα ειδών θέρμανσης και κλιματισμού

    I consider myself rather technicelly minded: I am a graduate Civil Engineer, who is unfortunately not practicing.

    The meters are digital meters. Digits drop for all the time the switch is in the on position. By the way apart from the thermostat there is a switch for on off as well.
    So, as soon as the switch is turned on the meters start functioning.

    My question is: since these meters are supposed to measure time is it normal that they have different intervals for different flats in the same building?

    As for the calculations they done with the formula for time meters.

    %={fi.ei+ ei.ωι/Σ(εi.ωι) [1-Σ (fi.ei)]} .100.

    The problem lies in the ω units.

    ALSO:The building has ten units of which two are shops on the ground floor.
    There is one appartment on the ground floor as well.
    Twoo units on the first and second floor.
    One unit with two time meters on the third floor, and one larger unit on the forth floor. Ten units to be heated with individual time meters each.

    The two shops are not using the central system.
    One of the units on the first floor is not using the system either.
    The unit on the forth floor is not inhabited, thus not using the system either.

    Summa summarum of the ten initial units only six are being heated.

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